Application Domains

Application Domains

Section: New Results

Experiment with constraint-based testing

Participants : Christophe Junke, Loïc Besnard, Jean-Pierre Talpin.

Based on past experiences with contraint-based testing of Lustre programs, we investigated automatic test sequences generation for Signal: from a given test objective expressed as a boolean flow (or an event), we try to generate a sequence of inputs over discrete time which lead to an observation of the test objective. Our approach was based on an existing tool named GATeL, from CEA LIST, with the kind permission of its authors. This tool targets the Lustre language, so we reused Polychrony's Lustre generator to export Signal programs as Lustre nodes and use the result with GATeL to generate test sequences. The resulting test sequences were in turn formatted in a way suitable for simulation according to the original compilation of Signal to C: in other words, the generated sequences were tested on the actual program resulting from compilation of considered Signal specifications. During this experiment, we corrected Signal's Lustre generator tool which suffered from some several bugs that made it emit consistently incorrect Lustre programs. After some work, we could translate faithfully a little more than sixty existing Signal programs of simple to moderate complexity.

Our contribution is an example of how Signal can benefit from the pool of existing tools applicable to Lustre and why having a correct Signal-to-Lustre translator can be useful for Signal programs. This approach has its limits because it is not always possible nor adequate to fully translate a Signal program to Lustre: (1) By requiring the existence of one root clock and changing a program's input/output interface, it may be possible to simulate a Signal program in Lustre, but with loss of information (like user-defined flow dependencies); hence, some results based on the one Lustre implementation of a model may not easily be generalized to every possible execution of the original Signal program; (2) the complexity of Signal's semantics is mainly motivated by the power it gives to handle partial system specifications during the development process, whereas most Lustre tools expect fully defined executable programs; as such, they are of little help when dealing with most Signal programs. For those main reasons, it might be better to study and implement verification techniques around the Signal language and extend the set of formal tools that can reason about Signal programs.

More generally, our experiment can lead us to consider the use of constraint solving techniques with Signal, not only for verification but also compilation and simulation.